Book contribution
Imagining Windmills
Trust, Truth, and the Unknown in the Arts Therapies
2022, Routledge
Taylor & Francis Group
When the boat doesn't dare to set sail
Working with trust issues in children
arttherapy, adoption, attachment disorder, creative process
This chapter presents the work in art therapy with adopted children; in particular aspects in relationship to working with insecure attachement dissorder within creative process’ in therapy

“Art Therapy Supervision: A visual exploration of clinical practice“
Newsletter of Indian Academy of Professional Supervisors
December 2021, Vol.3, Issue 3
“Tejiendo vínculos a través del arte” (“Weaving ties through art”)
Authors: Sibylle Cseri, Anais Vidal, Esther Grau
Journal of Groupanalitic theory and practice.
Volumen 6, Number 1: Grupoanálisis y Arteterapia
December, 2016
Edited by IG
2022 | Conference: Asian Mental Healt Symposium (VAHMS). Transformative processes in Art Therapy |
2021 | Speaker at the opening panel of the 1st EFAT (European Federation of Art Therapy) conference presenting on the development of the art therapy profession in Europe. |
2020 | Key Note Presentation on working in Art Therapy with early infant trauma at International Conference HAN University Netherlands. |
2019 | ECArTE Conference: Paper Presentation on working with attachment difficulties and early infant trauma in Art Therapy Alcalá de Henares Spain. |
2019 | Key Note presentation and workshop on Art Therapy specialized in Post-adoption services |
2019 | Paper Presentation on Art Therapy specialized in Post-adoption services. Conference for Innovative Therapies Madrid Spain. |
2018 | Key Note presentation on Art Therapy Supervision at the annual Andalusian Art Therapy Conference Granada Spain. |
2017 | Paper presentation on the development of Art Therapy in Europe Bi-annual Spanish Art Therapy Conference (FEAPA) Murcia Spain. |
2016 | Paper presentation at Federation for Christian Private Schools in Catalunya: “Relational difficulties in consequence of delays of psychological development and its impact in the school system”. |
2015 | Paper presentation at Clinical Conference of Art Therapy in Catalonia on Art Therapy work in in Post-adoption CCC Barcelona Spain |
2014 | Paper presentation at the Annual Canadian Art Therapy Conference on Art Therapy work in Post-adoption Nelson British Columbia Canada. |
2014 | Presentation and participation in the 1st formal meeting of the future European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT) in representation of Spain Florence Italy |
2013 | Art Therapy Workshop at Spanish National Conference organized by FEAPA (Fed. of Spanish Art Therapists) Madrid. |
2011 | Paper presentation on the influence of contemporary art in art therapy conference of the Federation of Spanish Art Therapy Associations (FEAPA) Barcelona. |
2009 | Paper presentation on ephemeral processes in art therapy National Art Therapy Congress. University of Murcia. Spain |
2006–2008 | Seminars and Workshops on Art Therapy for teachers and parents at mainstream and special education schools. Barcelona. |
2004 | Paper presentation at ECARTE European Art Therapy Congress on Art Therapy Interventions in Schools. Madrid. |
2003 | Paper presentation at the 1st international Art Therapy World Congress on Art Therapy Interventions in Schools. Budapest. |
Remembrance of my workshops.

HAN University
Nijmegen, holanda 2020

BERLIN, 2021