Art Therapy
Sessions and activities
Art as therapy?
In art therapy you will find a space where you can express yourself freely beyond words. It offers you a channel for your emotions, your inner world and your creative self. The art materials and the safe space, help you transform that which needs to be strengthened or healed.
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While you are interacting with materials, textures, colors, or you are simply gliding a piece of charcoal on top of a piece of paper while you are creating shapes without any preconceived ideas, your internal emotions and thoughts become externalized without relying on the use of words. In the sessions you can always choose freely the art materials that help express yourself in the moment and in this totally informal, free and unique way of expression, feelings and thoughts take on recognizable form.
Observing and acknowledging is an important part in art therapy, as it helps you gain awareness and to experiment with the changes you need to generate. The art materials, the creative processes and the therapeutic relationship – within a safe and trusting place – help you to communicate, to express, to experiment, to play, to imagine, to try out, to discover, to accept, to change, to reaffirm and to value while you are transiting in your therapeutic journey towards a greater well-being.
“Art therapy is a profession with more than seventy years of history and its practice follows a methodology under a defined therapeutic framework. This is based mainly on art therapy theory, analytical psychotherapy, psychodynamic theory and contemporary art theory.” (
[/expanArt offers a natural means for children to express themselves in playful ways. Since it is especially difficult for children to translate internal experiences into words, the symbolic language of art facilitates the expression and exploration of emotions in creative and effective way.
Art therapy work with children is facilitated within a holistic framework, in which collaboration with parents, schools and other health professionals are important.
Throughout the last +20 years of my professional practice, I have accompanied children and teenagers with these following concerns:
• Complex family situations (separation from parents, moving, sibling rivalry, birth of a sibling, etc.)
• Adoption and foster care.
• Anxiety, depression, fear, insecurity and low self-esteem
• Relational difficulties in school and amongst peers
• Loss and Bereavement
• Illness and Somatizations
• Eating disorders and Addictions
• Gender Identity
• HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)
In order choose art therapy for your healing process, you don´t need any previous experience or knowledge in art making, because every person has a natural capacity for creating and self-expression.
For over 20+ years, I accompany adults with these following concerns:
• Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Insecurity, low self-esteem
• Maternity
• Loss and Bereavement
• Traumatic experiences
• Illness such as cancer, degenerative diseases or psychosomatic symptoms
• Crisis situations in Family, Work, Relationships
• HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)
• Gender Identity and Change
• Creative block
• Personal therapy for students in training
If you would like more information, feel free to contact me and I will be very glad to assess you further.
Art therapy offers a complementary tool to many institutions that wish to incorporate a type of therapy that does not rely itself exclusively on verbal expression and that bases itself on a creative and artistic approach. Since 2002 I have been collaborating with numerous institutions, such as schools (public and private), mental health centres, foster care homes, nursing homes and hospitals, among others. I love working within multidisciplinary teams and in collaboration with other professionals who offer support from a person centred and holistic approach.
These are some of the institutions I have collaborated with:
Nous Cims Trust (Foundation for social inclusion).
Hospital Pere Virgili (Subacute Oncology Unit).
Kalida Centre Hospital Sant Pau (Therapy Centre for people in cancer treatment).
- CSMIJ Nou Barris (Child and Youth Mental Health Centre).
- CRIA (Psychotherapy Centre for adoptive and foster families).
Idea Foundation (Foster care home for minors). - CEIP Barberá del Vallés (Primary public school).
- CEE Nou Barris (Public Special Education School).
- CEE Carrilet (Special Education School for children on the autistic spectrum).
- ASB (American School of Barcelona).
- Hatikva (Jewish School of Barcelona).
- Cendeco (Rehabilitation Centre for stroke patients).
Portal Geriatric Centre.
This is a space designed for teachers and health care professionals with the aim of giving support in creative means to everyday working routines, in order to prevent becoming burned-out due to stressful situations at work.
Art making experience is not necessary. You just need the desire to express yourself creatively in this shared space with other professionals.
The sessions are held in an online format.
How do i work?
I like to accompany people in an inspiring environment, where they feel safe to express themselves freely through the use of art materials. I base myself on the fundaments of psychodynamic psychotherapy -which is a method of therapy without pre-established ways of working, but is rather adapted to individual needs.
For art therapy you do not need to have previous experiences with art making, nor do you need to know how to draw, since each person has an innate and unique ability to express themselves through art.
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In the art therapy space…
you will find available a wide range of artistic materials that you can freely choose from: found objects, recycled material, clay, drawing material, paper, paint, magazine cut-outs, fabrics, wires, among many others. Therapy formats may include: drawing, sculpture, installations, collage, photography, creative writing, painting, mixed media, among others. It is always you who chooses freely the format, the materials and the themes that you need to address.
I accompany the creative process from a place of deep respect for each person’s needs. Creative and therapeutic processes are unique and need a safe space and a trusting therapeutic bond to facilitate this personal, profound and transformative process.
Sessions are held individually or in groups, face-to-face or online. The therapeutic objectives and the duration of the therapy are adjusted according to the needs of each person and/or institution.
The Studio
hablo castellano
parlo catalá
Ich spreche deutsch
and I also speak english
beszélek magyarúl
I live in Barcelona and attend in person in my private practice, as well as in online format and in collaboration with institutions.