“It is in the making of something that is in-between the visible end the invisible that a person becomes”.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Art Therapy English
Art Therapy
These are some thoughts that my clients share about art therapy:

“For me, art therapy is a space where my mind and my emotions can enter into a dialogue through artistic creation. Art therapy means that the images contain and communicate those emotions and feelings which you did not know that you had. It is a contained space where I can explore my internal world and find release for my anxiety”.

“Art therapy for me is dialogue with oneself. It is a journey of experimentation, discovery and self-knowledge, which begins when the hands are set free to imagine”.

” I have experienced art therapy as an essential bridge to my own well-being. It is like a toolbox that we all have and only need to find access to.
During my art-therapeutic process I have found ways for self-encounter, where creative act facilitated a restorative internal dialogue”.

“Art therapy is a place where you can release and explore everything that happens outside the therapy space. Aspects of life can now be re-created, transformed, walked, spinned and unravelled through, hence experiencing the limits and potentials of life as a creative act. “.

“Art therapy helped me to reflect on my current emotional states and to explore past situations. Together with the Art Therapist I was able to obtain clarity in my thoughts and resolve issues that interfered with my personal growth.”
with the healthy part of the self
relational work through creative means
the development of identity, self-esteem and trust in oneself.
release for anxiety, depression, fear and/or other psychological symptoms and means for transformation
the capacity for decision making, transformation and the search for new means of expression, experimentation, self-perception and being.
new perspectives and vision
conection with the authentic self as a means of self awareness and self-affirmation.
the self with the own resources as a means of overcoming creative block and insercurity en self-expression.
with freedom
your possibilties
your emotions
with your true self

Artistic expression is not conditioned to verbal language, because art finds ways to express that, to which words don’t always have access to.
Creative expression often times finds ways to reveal unconscious aspects of the self, which emerge in a non-verbal and symbolic language. When these aspects are recognized, a sense of relief may be experienced because these aspects have now a tangible form, which can be observed and transformed.
Art invites you to play, imagine and flow with what needs to emerge from within you. Art therapy -from a safe and trusted place- helps you to unfold your potential and your authentic self.
Sibylle Cseri